Bang Bang

The move to Guwahati had been good for many things (bad for some), the best being the literary part. The months offered ample time to turn some pages and haunt many bookshops. I think I'd be starting a series of book reviews - Books of Exile - of books read when I was in, pretty much an exile. Also some movie reviews. I don't think I ever contributed so much ticket-money to the great Indian film theatre industry ever before than when I was faced with months of zero access to any TV or my computer. A few reviews from there. The laptop of one of my co-exilites conferred some great movie viewing moments too (merci bien J, you know who you're). And coupled with the many incomplete movie reviews drafts, I may well guess it'd be a reviewing overload. Ciao!

I'm obsessed with this song, Bang Bang by Italian origin, Egyptian born, French singer from the 70s, Dalida since I saw Les Amours Imaginaires a few days back. The sequence is from the same film, and all the slow motion is pretty sexy to my eyes. A review of the film'll be appearing soon.


  1. Ray said...:

    ...blissful exile indeed! =)
    I'm waiting for it!

  1. even i know who the Bien J is,and i hate the fact that i was in a worse exile wen u were enjoying these films!!! And yeah i wont cnsider this as 1 of 4!!! its just intro!!!

  1. Deb. said...:

    Haha, you must!
    Yes, I agree, I was in a much better exile, but that's because I made much out of it! ;) You were in a far more exciting city, BTW!
    And yes, this isn't one of the four, those're enqueued.

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