SFGirl Says Farewell.
A free post—I’ve come to the difficult decision that it’s time to hang up
my Substack, so this is a heartfelt thank you and see you later.
A Few Months from now, I’ll be in A New City. Hopefully in a one I like. And this move is not one that I’m upset about, though. New place, new people. Nice. What may ruin all of this is that I may also hate the city. As it happens, I’ve no control over which city I may actually move to.
For a Long, Long Time, it was granted that it’d be Bangalore . There’s the Brother who’s in there since the last 7 or so years. Then the fact that it has good colleges too. A few friends from the hometown’re going there too. Also, there’s a B’lorian friend who has promised me that she’d’ve Good Food fed to me. That alone should be enough! Relatively good weather, good food, nice bookstores, malls, parks, a ready bunch of friends and the general laid-back-ness. THIS is the perfect city for me any day. BUT no, life may’ve some other plans. It always does.
For an almost same amount of time, Delhi has been in the list too. Now this city is the 180 degree Inverse Image of B’lore. Extreme weather, Too Cold in Winters, Too Hot in Summers. Also as opposed to being Laidback as Bangalore is, this city shines in its Jat-Yamla-Pagla-Dewaana infused aggressiveness. Along with being the Administrative Capital of the Country, it also has the deemed title of being the Rape Capital of The Country too. Also, people from Northeast, especially girls, get assaulted the most there only.
But then you ask why it’s second in the list? Well, it has some of the best monuments in the country, it is throat deep dipped inside History, the whole Old City charm, the Sunday Daryaganj Sunday Book Bazaar, the proximity to other touristy places. Yeah, good enough.
Third would be Kolkata, or as I prefer, Calcutta . Now this is a city that I love only for its old, Crumbling, Colonial part. No amount of Bong Connection can make me love its 21st century half. Also the West Bengalis ’re quite snotty towards us, their Eastern Brethrens . But its Educational Institutions’re great. The whole Cultural thing is nice too. And also it’s the closest to Home, air-travel-wise. The least expensive too.
BUT, both Delhi and Calcutta ’re now out of the scene.
While any new place’ll be exciting, I just don’t want to end up somewhere where I’d feel rotten the second the New-City-Honeymoon-Phase gets over.
That’d be Sad. And I don’t want 'Sad' again.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
It’s been more than 1 Year, 9 Months since I last Blogged. In Blopshere-talk, it means Suicide. It did cost me My Followers, all rest 2 whom I Suspect to be As Active As I Was until Now. In My Defence, Life has been more than Busy. Even then too, I was An Active Blog Reader, if Not An Active Blogger Myself.
When I look back at My Old Posts, I’m Proud, I wrote Such Long Blogposts! :D Which may not be Possible anymore. Anyway, I imported the Old Posts from the Old Blog into This New One and No, don’t ask me about The Name. A Long Summer Hat. That was some Random Phrase that went through My Head and became The Name for The New Blog.
Anyway, I Hope this one doesn’t get Killed like the Last One did!
PS: The pic's just because A Pic-Less Post doesn't exist Here.
PS2: Yes, I Love putting Random French Words here and there. Merci Beaucoup! ;)
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Second Beginning