SFGirl Says Farewell.
A free post—I’ve come to the difficult decision that it’s time to hang up
my Substack, so this is a heartfelt thank you and see you later.
My mile long sentences'll blow your mind away.
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blogs j'adore
The Internet Personified: The Best Books I Read In 2023 - My beloved bookworms! It is here! My annual “these are the best things I read all year.” I’d like to do a little ceremony around each one, because really...
Shazia Nabeel | Delhi - What’s the first thing you want people to know about you? Sometimes I talk just to talk. If I am sleep deprived it’s really bad. I am also aggressively opi...
Book 7: Shadow of the Sun by Ryszard Kapuściński (reading notes) - -This reads like fiction - prose more beautiful than one has come to expect from non-fiction and many of the chapters are structured like fiction stories. ...
THIRTY - i gotta tell ya it's 2019 and i'm tripping balls and nothing has really changed except, you smashed your phone to bits 5 hours ago
GIMME FLAIR (OMG!) - *Please (pretty please!) go see: Gimme Flair, my brand new webshop featuring pins, patches, and buttons by about thirty different makers from across t...
Crossing the Indo-Pak border, Salman-shtyle... - Salman Khan in *Bajrangi Bhaijaan* Pakistanis are among the biggest fans of Indian films but their feelings towards Bollywood productions that feature the...
Skidding into illicit activities | Music - The new year! A year so far filled with broken resolutions *[see here for cake]*, night shifts, and the icy grip of winter hitting Glasgow with a vengea...
51 Years of Plath - *Don’t ask me who I am.* * A passionate, fragmentary girl, maybe.* * What have I eaten?* * Lies and smiles.* 51 years and here I'm stuck *moonstruck* makin...
Making informed decisions - The current session of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Assembly has been in session for almost a month; one would think that a lot must have gotten done in t...
Drying herbs - Quick! Let's talk about something, anything, other than weddings. Or flowers. Or my general exhaustion and feelings for both. Herbs? Drying them? Okay. I ...
In March 2012, we moved to a new address. - We are chuffed to announce the launch of our new website at a spanking new address www.indianmemoryproject.com and a new category called ‘Letters’! Two yea...
something that I wrote long back.... - It was a lazy November afternoon, and I was sacrificing my beloved sleep for a suddenly scheduled exam at my Medical coaching center! Okay I seemed to ...
Shopping Florence, Or Firenze If You’re Bourgeois - Right, right, so nothing has really happened on here in what most people on and off the Internet would consider "a long ass time". I've got no excuses othe...
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About Me

- Deb.
- Silchar, Assam, India
- Well I am a Human with two eyes and two ears, and more uniquely, one nose and one mouth. well enough?
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